Bring your own device is a Wake Country supported initiative that allows students to bring a technology tool, such as a laptop, tablet or smartphone, to school in order to support their learning objectives.
The integration of technology in education is not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when." To teach in a way that will truly help groom our students for their future, we must dive into their reality. Vance Elementary is dedicated to preparing our students with the fundamental skills necessary for them to be successful in the classroom and in their future. Yet, our resources are limited and the budget is tight. Bring Your Own Device will allow us to continue our instruction in a way that is engaging, relevant, purposeful and effective for the success of all students, simply by having more technology tools accessible in the classroom.
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How Schools Are Implementing 'Bring Your Own Device
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First, select teachers will undergo extensive training, delivered by the district offices of Wake County Public Schools. These teachers will then develop the strategies and guidelines for how BYOD will look at Vance Elementary.
Next, we will have a parent night where we will explain our policies and answer any questions parents may have about BYOD. Parents can then decide to participate in the initiative.
Finally, we will launch BYOD with our students and carefully go over each and every expectation for proper use, storage, and responsibility of devices.
We are already in the process of getting trained by the experts at Wake County district offices. We plan to have a staff meeting in November and the parent night will be in January. We plan to roll this initiative out with students in February of 2017, with select teachers.
BYOD Overview